Take this as you may.
Welcome to the pacifier of the twenty fist century, it is here to stay. To misinform the most up to date endavigal. You will learn of history and even might discover a few new things, but what you will never receve is the truth.
The facts will never be put in the right order. You will get what you need to keep you in line to keep you in check. Which is the way they need it dissolution of the truth the facts and currant affairs.
This is the way that you will lose all that America stands for all that this great land one was. The media can no longer trusted to give good information there first and foremost concern is rating and being motivated by one thing they will give every thing that you want to hear, truth or not. In this we are misinformed of the facts and dissolution with what the media forces down are throat.
We no longer live in the day and age were America was a great place we now live in a country that is controlled by the very people we put in office to represent us. The very people that now control the very media that we look for the truth. This is no longer land of the free we have given to much back to be dictators that are now in office and have been for to many years now.
Yes you may say that we did vote them in, well if this is true I would like a vote for vote race. No more electoral I mean one person one votes now more of the majority of the majority. Start to the point I want something that well will never be given.
The majority of the people no longer care it is all about how much money can I make and what is the new toy I will buy. Well this is no longer a option it is way past the time in which some one should have woke up and seen the truth. We will lose every thing it will be for the government by the government unless we stand and be counted one by one to show that we are the people and we are strong.
I no longer believe that the united states of an America is based on the values that we founded this country on. Some were down the line of rulers of this world we have lost touch with why we broke away to start the United States. What we need now is another Boston tea party, or it might have to come to another civil war to not only reconstruct what we have invertible made crumpet.
By no means do I think this will ever come in my live time and sadly to say I think it will only become worse as things get more way form what the people want and more what the government needs.
Now I know most every one I know has an opinion on the government and how they see it. But this is what I see, and I am sure that most of the people that read this will just blow it off. Mark my words on this I know this will come to pass in time.
Unless some catastrophic things happen with in the government senate and in is voting system. We will end up putting the next Hitler in office, lest hope it will not have to come to that to fix the things that have gone wrong in this ones great country called the united states of America…