
Ode to apartment living

Ok so many of you know we live in apartments, do we like it no. Not for the normal reasons of apartments but for the lack of maintenance and the owner. Now I am going to tell a story that is funny to us. A little back round in this we have lived her a little under 2 years. And we have heard so many bad things of this web site now pay close action to what they say about the manager of said apartments.

To be continued the story got a little long so I am going to split it up a little.

Feds allege bias at rental complex pleas read I am mentioned in this article. And will most likely be thrown out of the apartments for it.

1 comment:

Joe C said...

So what you are saying is that there's going to be an opening in your complex soon? ;-)

Seriously, that's messed up. Add in the fact they don't do shit to maintain the place, and it all adds up to moving up north really damn soon, eh?

Hope things don't get too rough for you.