
Puzzle pieces

I have come to look at my life much like a jig saw puzzle, many little piece locking together to form the larger picture. I only have one problem with this; I feel I am missing many pieces.

So for instance my childhood, I did not play with other children. Now I don't mean I lived in a place that had few children, I was kicked out of Pre School The reason given to my parents I did not play or interact with others children. So would that be a piece of the puzzle that might be missing?

Or could it be just something I did not need to make it through life? Life is something that is very complicated when you step back and look at it. I feel that my puzzle will not be completed, every day week or year some more of the puzzle comes together.

Most people start a puzzle by finding all the edges and making the square and build off of that, but for my life the puzzle started with one piece and I have been working on finding all the others that go with it. Starting from one piece in the center of no where, that is the way I work.

It could be worse, I could be one of those puzzles that are 3-d and have no blue print.


Joe C said...

Could it also be you think you are missing puzzle pieces because of the drugs in your past? (I'm being serious, even though the stateent sounds funny.) Both medicinal and "other" could have done some damage to some memories or something.

I don't know. I'm no doctor.

Messed Up said...

Joe-- no I don't think so, but it did change how i looked at things.