I am sure I have said it before but I will say it agin.
are life is never been easy (me and my wife that is)
things never seam to happen at the right times, the most reasond event would have to be the van's front heater going out on are way down state for thanks giving. a 3-4 hour trip in crappy weather with no defrost in the front of the van sounds fun.
there are many of these things, Abby coming at the most inopportune time, 2-3 months with no pay check after getting a second home, and only one income. her car the only reliable one having a bad censer with in that 2-3 months with no income six hundred bucks that we did not have.
many relationships start off strong and then go wrong with things get tough, be it lack of money or lack of job or direction in life.
we have faced all of these and more time and time again, and the only thing that has stayed is us. are love are respect for one another. it is amazing how well we get throw things.
now am sure you are asking how do you do it, that I can not say for sure. don't get me wrong I have my theory, but I think the only thing that is different is every thing we do we do it together.
we talk and decide together we share are money or lack there of. we make the best of what we have or at lest try to.
if you believe in the hole full circle of life thing then we are due to win the lotto any day now.
or at lest find a stash of money. the funny thing is in the end it all seams to work out not as we planed it but close to being acceptable for us.
so for this reason I say that me and Peaj are time tested and approved.
You guys are amazing together. You can accomplish anything, even if it takes some yelling. ;-)
well thanks,
Not sure why it would take you 22mins to come up with the words that you put down but.
it dose mean a lot.
Well I didn't catch the post until then...
I kinda thought that but when i looked up the stat page it showed you here 22 min then clicking out on comment so i just thought it took you a long time to think it out lol.
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