
Well I guess I should keep with the up dates

Ok so let’s see it snowed big surprise it is northern Michigan, 11 inches in all it sure made it look nice out side. Still don’t have a job but I will keep looking and putting apps in were I can. Other then that there is nothing new to speak of we got are taxis done sweet deal all the way around on that one.

Other news I wish we all had a reset button built in to us.


Small goals

We will start off with I have not had the ambition to come here and do a dame thing with the site, just did not matter any more. So on to the goals first write at lest ones a month in this thing no matter what it is. May it be the day I had or some little thing I have done or have not done?

Goal two try and find some one willing to hire me part time for the hours I can work. Been having a lot of problem with distance hours income ratio, but I hope to get something closer to home for the ability to be able to work more hours apposed to the farther I go out from home the less hours I will be able to work.

Goal three this one is well going to be announced some other time.