

It is a interesting thing, How people perceives things. I may look at a situation and see one thing going on but someone ales may look and see something totally different. Why is this, well I would have to say my best guess would be is are life experiences. Now I know for a fact if you are in said situation and feel you are handling it well but some one out side the situation looks at, well they will see some thing totally different.

Now the situations I like the best is the ones were we see no significance in them, but some out side of it sees or reads it totally differently. Now I find it funny when they make so much more of some thing were there was nothing.

So at this I leave you the opportunity to share a situation were, well you feel there was nothing but some out side of the situation did not see it as nothing


Weird burst

Ok so I had a weird burst of energy/motivation.

Things I did well this e/m lasted put second cote of pant on the bath room, put sink back cleaned up the mess and hooked sink back up.
Moved right along to the ferrets let them out cleaned there cage.
Now ordinarily this would be not a big deal but I did this starting at 8 at night. Abby was great and eat and then went to bed no crying no fussing just eat then sleep it was nice. Kaylee helped out a little with moving some of the stuff for the later ferret run. It is now 11:30 and the ferrets have another 45 min be fore I but them to bed and head there my self.

Did you know that skin Amax has nothing but failed porn stars doing really bad acting on really crappy plotted movies after 9 at night. It would be funny if I was messed up on some thing. But I am not so it is only mildly amusing.

Well good night and here is to hoping for more E/M