
I like it when a plain comes together

Well packing is not a lot of fun, but is something you have to do.(if you want to move) now the part that sucks is we both no longer have jobs were we can bring home boxes. Boxes are something that we all need to move but for to long we took free ones. Well yester day we came to the harsh reality of how much the dame things cost! We ended up at home depot were we found boxes a little cheaper but still way over priced, we ended up with 6 boxes for 12 and some change. Well here is every thing turned around pay attain if you may be in need of boxes.

Ok so we leave home depot cutting throw the business section, ending up over by what use to be the Livonia recycling center, which no longer looks like they take 90 percent of the stuff they use to. But here is the part that got me there use to be a old man that sate I a little trailer there he was the one that took you money. Well his trailer was gone (moved to the other side which we saw on the way out) but here is the thing that got my eye, boxes big one small one all broke down thrown in a long walk in dumpsters.

Now don’t get me wrong they were all clean and well just tossed aside, like the 60 or so dollars worth of U-hall boxes some one used for moving then throw them there, it was a very happy time seeing that we could come back over and over and never have to pay a dime. Well there is the secret to getting free boxes, but I still can’t help you with the tape. I use to be able to bring that stuff home boy did that help the last 5 times we moved.

Well thank you to all that offered help, which is most welcomed when ever you get a chance.


Joe C said...

I can come by whenever you need me to and help pack. Give me a call.

Stepho said...

God, moving sucks. If Bryan and I learned one thing about moving from a third floor crappy apartment into another third floor crappy apartment, it's to just pay the $250 for someone else to do it :) As it was, we put Joe to work like the sexy workhorse he is.

Messed Up said...

250/joe well I am going to have to go for the free help LOL.