
The way to start a bad day

Well lets see this day is started off horrible, and I am sure will get no better (here is to hoping). Lets see started off with the stupid cat waking me playing with something in the room, find the wife is not in bed (most likely sleeping on couch. a drawer was left cracked open and apparently there was some thing fun to play with after a few pillow throws said cat left only to return, found drawer open closed drawer problem solved. About 30 min later or so kid wakes but got luckily she just lost her pacifier problem is can’t find the thing most likely on the floor under her crib, go in search of the other pacifier that was not on the table in the living room like I thought but on the dishwasher popped it in her mouth and problem solved. About 30 min later kid is up again with time shift it would be around 4 lost pacifier again this time it was laying next to her popped it in the mouth problem solved back to bed for me.

Well about a hour or so later kid ones again is making noise this time she is more then awake dam time for the bottle I guess, well have to wake wife to put her in bed as for the child not to see mommy and want her to give her the bottle, wake wife tell her said drawer was open we have a argument about times and so on, (shitty wake up call sorry) not the way I like to start the morning with arguing with the wife. Wife helps pore bottle for kid and heads off to bed; she has to work tonight so she attempted to stay up late so she could sleep in preparation for work.

On to the bottle sit in front of the pc to rock kid and give nice warm bottle kid takes a oz of the bottle then proceeds to scram at me for some unknown reason, give kid pacifier in hopes she just dose not want bottle she stops for a few min and then starts up when she sees bottle so I give the bottle back all the wile she absolutely refuses to hold the bottle ( little spoiled) she drinks down another oz and starts the yelling at daddy thing again, ok I am tired kid and little short on pat ions you need to let me know what you want.

Try the burping deal get a little gas from the tummy and then bam she is out for the count. Lay her on the couch and I try laying down as well just to find out the cup of coffee I downed gave me the jitters something bad. So I go and have a smoke and try again. No luck for me to go back to sleep, so here I am typing this horrible morning start out to you.

And now I go back to the couch and with a little luck the kid will sleep a little longer so I can try and get rid of this waking to early head ache.

UP Date
I am a moron! need not say more.

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