
Well the week end comes to a close

Well it is over and I cant say it was all that grate of a week end not a lot went on sleeping and laundry. Just a lot of hanging at home. We did go to best buy to get struck my lighting well the store and direcliy but we were touching metal in the store kind hurt but not to bad. Well this is a start of another week at the hell hole I call work. It was 110 most of the week were I was working not fun kind kicks your ass... peaj is doing well at her job she will know her fist day at work and not orienting Monday or Tuesday. Well other then that the kid is out this week cool for her kinda not for us she will be staying at my sisters for a week and peajs parents for a week and my parents for a week the pore kid is not going to see us much for a couple months.. Well I say so long to you all it is off to bed to start another week of hell.................

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