
Not a lot to say

Well not a hole lot to say works sucks. I had a 4 day week end unpaid work did not have parts so they called and told me to stay home kind sucks could use the money. We did get a new CEO are last one imbecile about 4.7 mill or so they shipped him back to Germany for the charges. But well live is been pretty mundane. Peaj starts her new job next week relay cool I am relay happy about her going to work I think she will enjoy it. The kid is out in a couple days then all summer long to have fun. Well sad to say but that is about it so well um


Joe C said...

So did you quit your job, or is Sandy watching Kaylee when you are both working?

Messed Up said...

well i am still working for now sandy peaj's mom and well my parints are going all pich in for a week at a time i think and then i will probley quit