
Movie critic's

did you ever ask you self after you read a review on a movie that you just watched and thought was pretty good, how the hell did the critic think it sucked.

well here is a good little read critic's review

now i have a few theory on this: here is the first that comes to mind they are unimaginative idiots.
ok so it is a movie and it is not real and if it were it would be on fox I am sure with some real life drama crap tacked on to the title.

but do they see this no they say well it was unbelievable, well da it is not spouse to be real.

I think they should spend a little more time on the people writing memores or there life story that is not only not true but impossible but they snap that shit write up in believe.

you can check that out here, read about the suckers that bought this one

now there is another in the news but being kind of bored of this post i will let you all find it.

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