
Never trust Pairs Hilton

To start out Sunday morning is always fun, but to start it out with a rush is always more fun. Waking with a startle and looking at the time seeing it is almost seven’ clock, but the kids bus picks her up at seven. Jump out of bed rush to the kids room and say we are late up and get ready I will have to drive you, there is no way you are going to make the bus.

Well after she gets up, and I stop to think through the fog of the early awaking. I realize it is Sunday not Monday, and there is no reason what so ever to be up this early.
Then we move right in to the disaster recovery mode, and this time it takes me telling the kid go back to bed you dad is nuts. It went a little more like sorry to day is Sunday just go back to bed.

So ones my head hit’s the pillow the dream in which woke me in the first starts over, from the beginning. Now this is were it gets interesting, the dream that woke me with the thought of being late; not setting the alarm was of Pairs Hilton. I know the first thought that comes to mind is some sex scandal, but no this is not the premise of the dream. No this is some messed up nightmare of some sort; crazy as this sounds in this dream she is a secretary, and not just any secretary but my secretary.

The one and only thing that I can recall well form this, is Pairs telling me that I did not set my alarm; that I was going to be late.

Now all in all this is very scary for a few reasons, one I do not like Pairs. I do not care for how she looks; skinny ass chicks are not all that hot, and I can not stand her attitude/ behavior.

So for this reason it is more of a nightmare, one I would take any kind of advise from this dumb individual at all. Add in the fact that she was even in any thing that I would dream is enough to make me scream.


Joe C said...

Sounds like you have unresolved issues with Paris Hilton being late... Did you knock her up?

Tell the truth, Chuck!

Messed Up said...

even if I did you would never be able to tell with how many other things that have been in that snatch.