

As many of you know today marks the 6th anniversary of are marriage. And what a interesting marriage it has been, we have survived through 5 moves and that does not include the almost whole year we lived apart with a new born, this only because we were unmarried and young and dumb, I remember something about babies having babies. But we survived we made it all the way having a apartment that was small and overpriced. To having to move back in to my parent’s house in the basement of all places. Making a large sacrifice of moving out of the basement a little sooner then we should have, letting my parents sell their house. We ended up in a rather large house that was soon to be a real large down fall. We soon found that the house had a black mold problem, and were lucky in having a daughter that was rather allergic to it. Foreclosing on the house and moved in to yet another apartment in a nicer school district and neighborhood. But we survived and we grow stronger. Moving once again to northern Michigan the furthest we had moved yet changing jobs changing are whole life one more time for a chance at a house we could afford. Shortly after the largest most involved move we had ever undergone, we added another little life to our clan. Now having two children and a house and 6 years of marriage we have once again decided to add to are clan of this time a boy. And once again I am sure we will survive, we have been throw much more than some but we always just keep claiming the hill that has been placed in front of us. Now close to 11 years down the road being married for 6 of them having very soon 3 children seems like nothing at all, just water under a bridge. But when I stop to look back on the things we have done, accomplished, overcome and succeeded at I am amazed we have been so close to each other all throw the 11 years.

Happy 6th anniversary I am sure there will be many more to come.


Joe C said...

Happy anniversary, broheim. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Love you hunny :) thanks for always being there. ~PJ