

Ok so I am undecided again about y I am doing this hole thing

I am working for this company just so I can get a 120 day and then start rocking the bout
or I am I just staying so I have some resin to bitch (a lot) about something.

so here are some pro's and cons to this hole thing

pro they do pay ok
con shitty contract
pro the hours work for now
con working for the man
pro shit I am out of pro's
con getting screwed out of my month and a half of time I did have
con ok so this hole con thing could just keep going that is kinda shitty but well just a couple more
con not getting to see the wife much well not rely at all
con having to go there

well I think you all get the point
see the thing that is relay killing me right now is well a pore union rep and yes I mean pretty dame pore, I think he tried to threaten me the other day, something about he better not heir me bitch any more about having to come back with no time put in then he proceed to tell me how he went to bat for me and got me the job back in the first place "the company did not have to bring me back" so he said well I know better a union job is a union job they are unable to lay you off and then just hire new people that is not how it works I have been a union rep for a company be for (just in case you wondering no I did not get paid any more money then my union brothers and sisters) it is not a easy job but well what he is spilling is a lot of shit out of his pie hole. Yah and by the way he makes 25 dollars a hour and that is a lot more then 3ed leval which is the most me and every one else could make kinda funny is it not. Well a nuff about me going on about the UAW which is not fitting for me.

I feel my life is starting to slip this hole work thing it just gets you down pretty quick but I am hanging in there.
my wife is do to get out of school next week and the crap part is I might not get to even go to comensiments to see her. But I am trying to deal with the devil to get a little time out of work for that and I just might have found a way now I just got to itch that back and see if it works

well don't let the man get you down

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