
New day new stuff

Well I have been layed off for some time now (3months) and well now they have called me back so it is pritty nice I am starting afternoons (not really cool) but for now it works out with taking my kid to school and all for the last couple months she has left of school. Well going back to work is a good thing I am broke and starting to worry about paying the bills not to motion the rent. As most of you know by now peak is almost out of school soon she well be a relay RNA wick will pay kind nice I just have to get her to go to work ( not going to be easy). Well there has been a lot going on and a hole lot not going on like my life well it seams that way I am board all around I don't relay think that work is going to help just take my mind off of it but well that is the best I can do for now.

well that is about all I got at the moment
not that any one even checks this shit out but
not a nether day and a nether note

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