
3 year to day my friends

well 3 years is a very long time, not that it feels like 3 year more like 8 seeing that is how long this hole thing has been running. Now don't get me wrong I would not trade it in for any thing, and I don't regret any of it. But as I look at things from the 3 year stand point I see we have made it much farther then most any one I know. I am not talking about the few parents of friends I know that have made it to there 20th year or some with 50 years under there belts. I am more or less referring to all the others that I have seen together and then they part ways, I am sure we have had are fair amount of disagreements but we manage to clear it in some way or form.

Well as some of you have figured out I am talking about me and my lovely wife, it is 3 year to day that we have been happily marred. Now the reason I say it feels much longer is for the fact that we have been together for much longer and for some reason waited to be married. Why you might ask well I think we both had a are doubts at first with every one marring and splitting just as fast, so we took are time and tried to do things right. Now I am sure we did the right thing by taking the time and doing it this way.

Now most of the people that get married I think do it for the wrong reasons or just don't under stand how much work it can be. We do very well at keeping it together and we both put in 100% and when we don’t the other picks up the slack.

We started as good friends and now 3 years later we are best friend's lover all in one. We have put the time in and the effort and have come a long way. 3 years seams so little now that I look at it all we have gone throw some really bad time and even worse time but we have taken it all with a grain of salt and we just keep going. If it was not for us paring up when we did I don't think are lives would have been this happy after almost 9 years together and what a 9 years it has been.

We have lost we have gained and we have loved all the way throw it. We have done it all and still stayed together, it has made are bonds so strong in the long run. There are times were we take are times out and think about it and there are times we have just held each other with no clue what to do, but we have stayed strong and kept it together.

I write this post for my wife in apparition for all the things she has done for me throw the years.

This is a standing testament that we will have many more years together with each other. We are strongest together and there is nothing that will stand in are way. We will take what ever life throws at us with a laugh and keep are love for each other as strong as it is now for ever and then some.

Peaj I love you and hope you see the time as we have spent together the same as I do.

Happy anniversary.


Lish said...

Happy Anniversary!

Peaj said...

Baby I love you so much. I know things have been ruff and like you said I think it has made us stronger. I do not know where I would be without you you have been there for me through all of it. I love you Happy anniversary ~Love Peaj

Joe C said...

Three years already? Ye gods. Congrats.

Winx said...

Outstanding...fight on forever.

Messed Up said...

Thanks Joe-- Lish-- Winx-- for the kind words. hope to be writing something nice next year.