
What the F*ck is the Internet

Holy hell now I do my fare share of blog rolling you know were you keep hitting the next button till you find something that interests you, well I have seen a lot, a She male page That was a little more graphic then I would ever care to see, tones of foreign pages were they still to not have Bable Fish So I cant read it, gays galore and even some kids under 10 writing, now I feel the kid this is not right but that is for another post. But the one thing I haven not seen and did not even think of it is a flat out I hate blacks page I cant really say KKK for it is not posted any were on the blog but this blog at first glance would be funny until you read more of the posts it is just a raciest throw and throw. Now normally I would not care but this is the first I have found and the first one that does not have 100 comments from people saying it is wrong well you check it out and either laugh at is because it is funny if you take it out of context, or well just move on.The white bankers blog

Then you have people trying to make a buck in like .Profile for “ME” now all this information that is on the sites this person put up is right out of a encyclopedia like MSN’s, or it is taken form other sites. Now the thing is all they do is copy past and put up a Google ad and try and make a buck. Here is another “ME” doing the same thing, Now normally I would give two shits but when you blog roll and all you get is this guys way of making a buck you get sick of it really fast. So go flag that shit and get it the hell out of here.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Chuck, I looked at white bankers blog. It's either a bunch of college kids with nothing better to do or one guy with multiple non-personalities.