
I will never look at you the same

Did you know slaves under the last emperors of China ware pigtails so they could be picked out quickly.

Now every time I see you ware pigtails I will only thing of this useless information. So by now I am sure you are asking your self were the hell is he coming up this stuff.

Well my wife knowing how I remember the most useless stuff bought me a book, the book of useless information. On the cover of said book is thousands of things you didn’t think you needed to know… and probably don’t. and to top it all off it is a an official publication of the useless information society. So as most of you know me I had to go digging to see about this society, looking first at the book I find that it is a secret society of Britain’s foremost thinkers, writers, and artists. What have I learned form the book well most of it should not be trusted it brits for Christ sakes.

And the secret part just means they don’t want to have egg on there face for putting this stuff out there I guess.

Ah well it is something to read that is interesting enough to keep ya reading it.

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