
The ever popular

You all know it and love it youtube. you can just take the you right out of it, you tube has gone mane stream or should I just say they are on there way to it?
NBC is using all the folks at you tube for free marketing, they are going to start putting up pilots to see who will be more viewed?

Now normally I would have no problem with this but come one we all go there to see home videos of others the crazy to stupid, how many want to work for NBC for free Well not me.

I think if they want to do this they should have to start a page on there own not jump on one of the top 10 viewed sites, Whey is it we cant jump on there sites if we want ratings but they are more then welcome to do so to are sites?
NBC is taking a very brave new and bold step we need to make a stand or we will be seeing Other companies doing the same, we will loose what little on the web we have.

Now I not saying tomorrow or even today but it is going to happen if we can just tell people like NBC to back off and find other ways, not free labor we may be able to keep you tube for another year.

You Tube like all the others will be bought out and remade in to something no one really wants but the company, but to rape and pillage a place for the people to put up there things to be seen.

It will start with NBC and then move to others so I sagest we don't view them this will be the only chance we will have to keep it from turning in to a free advertisement for company'’s.

I wish you all well over at you tube and hope you keep it going for the people and not sell out like so many people do..

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