
I watch too much TV

I was watching this thing on history channel I think, (could be wrong there) about the bible code, you may be asking what the bible code is? Right now I was to,

Ok brief over look at is the are taking the original that is written in Aramaic and using a letter skip coding program, (ELS) what they do is type in words or fraises and it will use letter skipping until it finds it then sets it up in a big word find format. They typed in all sorts of stuff from Hitler to Kennedy, now the thing that is kinda weird it when they do it will highlight the search topic and then sets all the other letters in a word search format using the same amount of letter skips it took to find the search topic, then they go throw and see what other words they can find (I don’t think they go back words like in the real word search) in every thing in history from the space shuttles to wars it comes up with the things that will happen to them or what they have achieved, weird well it also for some of the stuff they put in tells the year that it happened.

Ok now what I don't get is they can tell history by this yippy Skippy, history will not help us, but why not do a search on names that are coming up now like bush or bin Boozeo or some science dork that may have a good idea then you might get something useful out of it, no instead they are searching history.

But what I really don't under stand is you could do this with any book I would guess, from novels to magazine articles, it is only looking for one thing and that thing will show up no matter if it means something or not. I mean come on it is a book that was supposedly written hundreds of years ago of cores it will have some good word searches in it.

There are really two lines to this either you be leave in it or you think it is crap, Hitler brings up bad man, Kennedy brings up will be assassinated, and Kennedy’s killer brings up the one that will assonant, so ya ok I see that much but using such a big text you could bring up a lot of stuff take any book and do it and I am sure you will bring up all kinds of stuff.

Well here is what I can find on this whole thing happy hunting for the truth or reality.
These two web sites seam to be the closes to what I saw on the program and have the most information on the topic.

More information
Main for Information on all the codes of the bible's


Lish said...

I think you hit the nail on the head - this sort of thing could be done using any book.

We definitely are pattern-seeking creatures. We often see things that may not really mean anything.

Blogger21 said...

Yeah when I first heard about the Bible Code I thought it sounded pretty neat but when I thought about it I realised it doesn't tell you anything. If you're looking hard enough for something, you're going to find it, whether it's really there or not.

Stepho said...

I'd like to see someone do it with the Necronomicon and see what pops up, just for fun. That would shut the Bible code people up for sure.

Messed Up said...

Stepho-- that would be great.

Jen-- It gets you thinking to much and then you see it for what it is.

Lish-- I want some one to use a good book and see what they find.