
Here is something

Lying something every one has done, if is be for keeping out of something that is embarrassing or is it is to help someone out, but what is the worst lie you have ever told? My self I have it hard to trust people I know have lied to me.
I guess it is hard for me to believe that person from that point on, I have worked with a great many people that lie on a daily bases, why you may ask well I don’t really have a clue I am sure some people do it to feel more important or try and make them self’s look better then you or some one else. But what point is a lie no good?

This in it self is not a good thing lying that is, politicians do it ya and if you think they don’t you are just stupid, children do it well we all know that, but what about husband and wife’s they may lie all day long to coworkers or friends but do they lie to there spouse? This is what I don’t under stand I am sure many people lie to there spouse hell most marriages theas days end in divorces.

But what I want to know is how many people lie to there spouse on a regular bases? And why they would lie to them, I guess if you were having a affair you would lie but what about little things, like how you day really went you know what I mean the unimportant things in there life.

I guess what I am really saying is at some point you will have to trust, and at some point some will lie to you. But at what point do you take it as true or false?

If any thing, take what you know is true and hope like hell that what every one is saying is true.

You never really know if some one is telling the truth so be careful what you take as truth.


Stepho said...

You know, I remember a good lie. My grandmother wouldn't accept that she "wasn't compatible" to donate my grandfather her kidney. She kept yelling "we've lived together for fifty years, how are we not compatible?" She's a smart woman, and she understands genetics, she just didn't WANT to, you know? So...the doctors, knowing my grandfather was not going to make it to go through a kidney transplant, told my grandmother "sure...you're a match, when his heart problem is taken care of you can give him your kidney." They were humoring her, but it gave her this kind of peace. She talks about it today, how if her husband had been able to beat that heart condition, she would have given him the ultimate gift of love, and she's very proud of that. We all know the truth, but it was a beautiful lie that gave her some good feeling in the midst of the bad.

Anyway, worst lie? I don't remember. Usually I do something bad and then feel guilty so I blurt it out. I believe I yelled "I hate you" at my parents during a fight once, a long long time ago. Obviously that was a lie.

Messed Up said...

Stepho-- I think that tops any that I may have.

Stepho said...

The grandma one or my yelling "I hate you" at my parents? I still feel bad about that one ;)

Messed Up said...

Stepho-- The grandmother one ofcores.