

Here are to blue days. Days in which you should not listen to R.E.M it starts to make you think way too much for some reason. You know the days that I am talking about, the ones were it is hard to get you lazy ass of the couch. To day seems to be one of thus days for me. I am not sure if it is the glum weather out side or just me. These are the days were your mind wanders a little too much.
As I try and get motivated to do something any thing at this point. I wander how much is done just to make it look like you contribute to life apposed to wanting to do something for your self. I have come to the under stand most people go to work and do there best out of fear (I did it because I liked to do it). Now that I do not get up early and head off to work I see much more then I did before( I account this to having a little more time to think.). Instead I get up with the little one and get her ready for school for her opportunity to learn all she wants. And for some little reason I feel I have failed in doing something.
Life is kinda this thing I don’t really under stand any more. What is the point to it? What should I be doing were should I be aging I keep forgetting. I am feeling just al little lost in LIFE. As I try and get my head clear of the junk in the way, I start to walk in circles to find something I have lost (you know the think you know you lost but you don’t know what it is) and all I find is me turning around for no reason. Well I am off to try and make this day more then just a day.

1 comment:

Joe C said...

REM makes me want to shoot myself if the day isn't perfect.