
Thanks to Chud

First blog you ever read?

Well technuley it was not a blog but just like one and that would be Joe C.site we all know and love it. The best and worst about blogging?The best thing would be the ablity to say what I want. The worst would be saying the wrong things, or having some one take them the wrong way. No I think not realy wanting to say all that is on my mind.

Who was the first person to comment on your blog?

well that would also be Joe C. It kinda sound sad but joe dose the most posting on my site now and from when it started.

If I re-named my blog I would call it ...

well I would have to say? Chuck’s larg life. No no that sound dume, I don’t think I would rename it I kinda like it how it is.

If my blog was a room it would look like ...

sad to say but it may look like jeffery dommers closet. HEHE no I guess it would look a lot like my desk, pretty close to a train hitting a bus full of people.

What has been your most popular blog entry?

dunno. Well it is kinda sad. There is only 3 posts with more then 6 comments on it. http://concetpzero31122.blogspot.com/2006/01/as-i-sit-and-listen-to-string-quartet.html#links. Would be it, sad but i think it had the best comments.

If my blog had a theme song it would be ...

NIN I want to fuck you like a aniumal. No I don’t realy know it kinda had a theme song but it did not have words. http://blueballfixed.ytmnd.com/. I just like how anyiong it was.

Five bloggers I would like to have over for dinner..

Well that is not realy a fare question, I am married (Peaj) to one and well the other eats over every now and agin(Joe). So I guess I would invite chud over seamed like it would be a intresting dinner. steph and garvin would make for a interesting dinner. And I think I would have james k over to reminisce about shitty high school. And well that is about all I can think of. I can’t say I really read all that many blogs.

Two bloggers you would like to set up on a blind date.

ok well I cant realy say I would want to set up any one. But if I had to I would pick to of the most openated people just to give them a hard time.

Somebody I wish had a blog?

well I cant think of any one off hand. But I think it might be cool to see some of the old group have a blog just so I could see what was going on in there life.

If you were only allowed to read one blog ever again, which blog would it be?

This question is kinda one sided. Would I be able to go to links off of this blog, or would I only be able to read this blog and not look at content? If I would look at the content I guess I would have to go with Joe . for the simple fact that we updates quite a bit.

Is there a fellow blogger you would like to snog / shag / do rude things to? Feel free to name names if you're game.
well there are a few, leveing out the one that I am married to.

Discover a blog. Link to a blog that you have recently found, or a blog you have been reading for a while and haven't blogrolled.

what's a blogroll? and why would i do it? Ok so I think I am going to have to go with chud with this one. What the hell is the guestion agin HEHE.

Tag five bloggers to complete this meme.hrmmm ok...

And who ever is the person that keeps coming to my site from Texas.

Ya and I am going to add james k just for kicks.


Drunken Chud said...

why do i know that song? what is it from chucker? what is it from?

Amy said...

Thanks, Chuck! I'm finished, though.

Messed Up said...

to tell you the truth chud i new it one I first found it. but now now i don't have a dame clue