
Well it must be that time of the month

No I am not talking about my wife. It would seam in all the mess that has been are life for some time, we forgot to get the kitten spade. She has been walking around meowing with ass held high, what fun it is to tell the kid don’t pet her. And then not want to explain why.

Well calling around to see who would be a little easier on the bill. I find the vet we take the ferrets to and they happen to be the cheapest around. So I get to call them and set up an appointment with them. Now of cores it would not be as easy as just the spade we have to get her up to date with vaccines and all. Now are cat is indoor only. But still we have to do the shots that add 50 some dollars to the bill.

Now Peaj found this to be funny for the first hour or so, but after the first hours or so it was no longer so funny. Now we both love are kitten a lot she is a really cool cat but she absolutely has to be spade and soon. Here is to a speedy recovery for her.

In other news the kid had but yet another day off, due to a water mane brake at the school. Now of cores this will be two days this week that she has been home. She is feeling better but still is running a very low temp and now has gotten a nasty coiffing.
So let’s hope the meds will do her good and fast.

So we sit and watch the winter Olympics on the Canadian channel, which Kaylee is starting to like. And with that I leave you all, to start the cleaning of the kitchen.


Drunken Chud said...

i don't like CBC's coverage of the olympics, they focus too much on canadian teams. hehehehehe. how about our teams for once?

Stepho said...

I like how they shave the cats before they do it. It's fun to chase them around and try to pet them the wrong way on their shaved areas. The cats usually don't think it's so funny though :)

Messed Up said...

I think i am going to ask them if they will shave all of her just for fun...