
Facing the cross roads

Well here I am facing the cross roads again peaj landed the job we all new she would she is just to good at what she dose not to.

well here are the choices I have a) stay at work for a company I relay don't think I will go fare in or b) work for a wile and then stay home and be a man bitch (nothing bad about the term) or d) stay working and well just stay working. Ok so my thoughts on the hole thing well I relay don't like work well not the work part I just don't like working for some one were I am just a nother never and well relay don't do any thing of importunate (I know you are all saying but chuck that is how life is) but on the same hand well I relay don't want to be a free loader which I most likely feel like after quitting a job to say home I relay don't know how you women do it. I am kind stuck here peaj would like me to say home and I am pretty sure it is not for the meals I cook. I think she just feels a little gilt about me having to work all the time to pay for every thing and well now she can do that for us in stead of me doing it. (not that is a bad thing I just love her more for it) But see I don't know if I could just quit and well stay home and do the hole stay home dad thing it is kind scare to think about it. Being layed off well that was a vacation I guess I new I would go back to work at some point. But well if I quit well I don't think I could go back to work for them. So I would be burning the bridge I guess. As much as I don't like work and bitch about it and I do that a lot I relay don't know what to do here I lost. Well I think that part that is relay eating me is my parents stand on it well they were pissed at peaj for taking the job being after noons and well me working the same shift but well you do what you have to and guess they are not seeing that right now I mean hell they are the ones that raised me like that. I don't relay have any good input on the hole thing. I have made up my mind on if I quit I do want to have a set amout of money in the bank saving that is and well that is not a very high goal seeing that peaj will be making a lot more then me and well we could live on just me well we have been any ways. I am kind sketchy about just leaving and well not having a job I have always had a job. That is just the hole life thing get a job like or not you have to have money you know.

this hole thing is well kind eating at me I have not called my parents do to it I do not want to hear it from my mom and well I just have been sitting around thinking about it could I relay stay home and take care of my little girl is this something I could do? I relay don't know how to even test the waters. I have another 2 and a half months before I have my 120 days in at work which mean if I want the benifits I will have to paything for it till I get the 120. I don't get vacations till I have a year in so it is not like I could take one and see how things go when peaj starts her job. I have only made one thing clear about all of it I want money in the savings and a nice chunks of change at that before I do any of it.......

as all you peepz know you are welcome to comment on this and well it may even be helpful.
well I leave you which
good night all

1 comment:

Joe C said...

I'd say keep working as long as you can. You guys need insurance and the likes, and the sooner you guys get that, the better. Once Peaj's job gives her the option for insurance, switch, as I'm sure she would probably get a little better insurance.

Tough it out as long as you can, I guess is my best suggestion. Save as much as you can, and once you've got a certain amount and you get insurance through her job, you can quit. After Kaylee starts full school days, you can work part time at some place.