
Monday blues

Well I made it to a nother week. It is now Monday and well I am already dreading going to work. Sounds fun, I am in a new department seams the lay off and well I don't have a fucking clue what I am relay doing something about the back axle of big rigs. I am learning well trying to the hole 10 min traying on the job thing sucks leaves me open to relay big fuckups to say the lest but well what you going to do. The company is moving 5 more people off my shift which is going to leave us relay sort. Now it is going to be 10min training in about 3 min sound fun NOT well the week end was to say the lest kind short did not do a hole lot the wife cooked yes I said the wife cooked and she is pretty dame good at it. Well I am off to start a nother week.................

another day another dollar (so I hope)

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