

Well it is hot as hell already here, this sucks I do not want to turn the air on (seeing it shoot the electric bill to double) and that it is going to rain for the next few days which will be nice.

Peaj got out of work early to day which is pretty cool, but seeing she got up at 2 in the morn she has crashed on the couch for a wile. Which leave me time to scribble some shit down for you all to read.

So tomorrow should be fun, as most of you know buy know I have SBC/ AT&T DSL. Now the problem is that there server is telling me that I am hooked up at 3008kbps down load and 512kbps upload. Now I checked 4 other servers to see what speed they have me at and this is what I found, 417kbps up and 266kbps down, and the sad part is they are telling me I am 88.8% worse than average on SBC.

That sucks, so now I have to call them and bitch a fit and see why that other sever tells me my connection sucks and they are telling me it is really good? I am paying for there pro which means I should be zooming along pretty good instead I am having connection errors every where.

Last night the whole thing crashed and I had to rest the modem which took about 1 hour or so, I am guessing there were having problems.

If you want to test you speed feel free Here is a good one test you speed

And here is the test that SBC gives you

When you get you speeds feel free to drop them in the comments so I can see what every one is at.

I will get to the bottom of this soon and let you all know what I find out…..

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